Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brands Using Twitter

Former radio show guest Paul Dunay has compiled a list of various corporate brands that are using twitter to stay in touch with their communities. I especially like this this for two reasons:

1. Many corporate marketers today are decrying the inability of businesses to use and engage with social media tools like twitter to connect and nurture communities of followers. Well, this list puts that to rest. Big and small, they're on here and likely many more exist that just didn't make Paul's list (see the comments for proof).

2. This list makes it clear that non profits must use tools like twitter to tap into the communities that already exist around their cause. No excuses. If you're a member of the American Marketing Association, sign in to your account and listen to the member-only Webinar that I hosted back in December. We had three amazing marketers on the program (Toby Bloomberg, Julie Fleischer, and Greg Verdino) give very specific advice and perspective on social media and how it can be used in your own marketing. (And as a side note, all three of these people will be at Mplanet later this month.)

And for those who think that that using twitter may be a silver bullet, let me dissuade you from going down that path. Like any other social media tool, twitter is a mechanism that equips you to dialogue and communicate only. It won't create relevancy, it is a poor substitute for integrated communication plans, and it will never overcome an inauthentic voice.

-- David Kinard, PCM


Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting this. Especially the part about the inauthentic voice. So many folks get on Twitter and think there's a certain "way of tweeting" - almost like the cool kids in high school. Authenticity and sincerity blow away "in-crowd speak".

But what do I know. I was a nerd in high school.


David Kinard, PCM said...


I totally agree with you about the power of authenticity in our communications. I am reading Lois Kelly's book Beyond Buzz right now and she has a lot to say on the subject as well. I'll be interviewing her on my radio program ( at 9 a.m. PST on 1/28. It will be good to hear what she has to say. Feel free to call in to the live show.

-- David Kinard, PCM